Inspired by the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education, each exciting new collection is built around a theme-based issue of Family: A Living Education Magazine. You’ll find encouraging articles on marriage, parenting, and faith, as well as teaching tips, explorations into science and history topics, hands-on activities, and more. Best of all, this content is available both in print and as interactive, online content.
Bonus Content
Collections also include online bonus content with even more encouraging articles, printable projects, and activity pages for the learning articles in the printed issue. Finally, each collection is rounded out with a downloadable unit study that guides you and your student through an in-depth 5-day exploration of a topic related to the theme of your collection.
Monuments & Moments
Explore monuments from around the world!
In the Workshop
Encounter creativity and inventions!
Workshops are places of creativity and invention, and when children learn all of the exciting things that have come out of the workshops of history, their own creativity is nourished! In this issue, the In the Workshop collection will look at how the workshop theme ties to homeschool planning, faith, parenting, and marriage.
We’ll also explore inventions and ideas that have come out of workshops throughout history, including an in-depth Unit Study on how the Industrial Revolution impacted and changed the way work was done. And, what’s learning without hands-on activities? There are plenty of those in this collection as well!
Discover the many forms of communication!
The topic of communication includes so many fascinating concepts. We can discuss how communication can impact our relationships and health, or we can look at the technology of communications, from old mail routes to immediate digital communication. Animal communication is yet another fascinating topic!
With these themes and more, it’s easy to see that there is so much to cover in this Communications collection. And the Computer Programming unit study e-book digs even deeper into the technology that helps us communicate in a wide variety of ways. With hands-on activities and a wide variety of topics, this collection is sure to pique everyone’s interest!

In the Water
Dive into the many wonders in the water.
There’s no way to exhaust everything there is to explore under the water, but we can make a good effort at it! The In the Water collection dives deep with a look at marine life, floats above the waves with ships from throughout history, and even considers what it’s like to stand firm on the shore as a lighthouse.
With the Vikings unit study e-book, we’ll even explore a historical culture that built their entire livelihood around the water. Of course, there are also many ways that the idea of water applies symbolically to homeschooling, faith, and family. Explore all of this and more with the In the Water collection!
Learn how freedom impacts our lives!
How do you describe freedom? In the United States, we often immediately think of the 4th of July or certain amendments when we hear the word freedom. But there are also ways to explore freedom in our homeschooling, parenting, and marriages. The Freedom collection takes a look at these topics as well as examples from history where freedom has been both present and missing.
And don’t forget science! We’ll consider how topics like motion, invention, and machinery explore the theme of freedom. And the Forensic Science unit study e-book explores how science can help ensure freedom through justice. All of this and more can be found in this Freedom collection!

In the Sky
Explore discoveries and inventions in the sky!
From the earliest astronomers to the modern technology of flight, mankind has long been fascinated with the sky. In the In the Sky collection, we take a look at the ways our goals, relationships, and more can be expressed through sky-related themes. And what is a look at the sky without an exploration of the history of flight or the study of astronomy?
For a twist, we’ll consider the concept of cloud-based technology and stringed instruments which rely on sound traveling through the air. We round out this exploration with a fun Hot Air Balloons unit study. The In the Sky collection provides all this and more!