Magazine Collections
Collections also include online bonus content with even more encouraging articles and resources.
Finally, each collection is rounded out with a downloadable unit study ($19.99 value!) that guides you and your student through an in-depth 5-day exploration of a topic related to the theme of your collection.

Unit Study E-Books
Each e-book includes step-by-step instructions for using a unit study, followed by two distinct sections, one created for 2nd-4th grade and the other for middle schoolers. These unit studies are created to provide five days worth of activities in language arts, history/social studies, science, math, fine arts, and Bible, including interactive links for activities and research.
Free Sampler
Charlotte Mason Inspired

Living Education
Magazine Subscriptions
Subscribe to the Magazine that Brings Homeschool Education
to Life and Inspires a Love of Learning and Teaching.

Creating a Living Education
Charlotte Mason Fundamentals

Living Books

Nature Study


New Magazine Collection
Monuments are everywhere around us. Some are famous and grand while others may be as simple as a special tree in your back yard. Whatever the case, monuments can be fascinating to explore. That’s exactly what the Monuments and Moments collection helps us accomplish!
New Unit Study
Ancient Wonders
Over 100 interactive and printable pages
Explore activities covering language arts, math, social studies, science, fine arts, and Bible. Enjoy five full days of exploration as you take a peek at Ancient Wonders.